the hawa I admire
wearing her attire hiding her figure, thus, curbing my desire..
The hawa I desire
fearing the (hell) Fire
is diligent in her prayers
for the rewards of life hereafter...
The hawa I encounter
is beyond bother
with the keen race
to beautify the face!
The hawa I ask
from dawn to dusk
is busy with ALLAH
murmuring, subhan'allah, subhan'allah, subhana'allah
The hawa I observe
certainly deserves
better respect
than what she expects
The hawa I listen
is very, very stern
for her it is a must
to control one's lust
The hawa I met
boasting her beauty
most probably by surgery?
but does she know it is all temporary?
Hence, the hawa
I know is advised to follow
the sunnah of our beloved Rasulullah
from head to toe....
The hawaI judge
often bears a grudge
EQUALITY, she requests (or rather protests)
but please bear in mind ALLAH'S inquest!
The hawa I hurt (by this article)
please do not curse or smut
for it is better I warned before all is gone....
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